
Monday, May 16, 2016

all you need is less.

I'm trying my hand at mastering the art of simplicity. I'm either having a mid-life crisis, been meditating about life, in a different season of my life, or all of the above, but it feels good to simplify. You probably remember my post a couple of months ago about collecting moments, not things and how we tackled our storage unit. Well now we're getting to those closets. Purging what's been sitting in our closets and storage and selling them has been very therapeutic and fun. Plus, I love seeing people's organizing tips on Instagram. With 151 days to the wedding, I'm attempting to make my life as easy as possibly with disposing of clutter... in all shapes and sizes. 

Clutter is not only your physical belonging. It's old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self. 

So let go of the clutter you are holding onto... your mind will thank you for it. 

Until next time...