Jamie Tworkowski wrote "If this world is too painful, stop and rest. It's okay to stop and rest. If you need a break, it's okay to say you need a break."
This life... it's not a contest, not a race, not a performance, not a thing that you win. It's okay to slow down. You are here for more than a job, more than a promotion, more than grades, more than reviews, more than getting up, more than getting by.
This life is not about status or opinion or appearance. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, but yourself. You don't have to fake it. You do not have to fake it. If you feel stuck, it's okay to say you feel stuck. You are not alone in these feelings. Other people feel how you feel.
There is still some time to be surprised. There is still some time to start again. It's not too late. Whatever you need and however long it takes.
I've been in a weird mood the past couple of months. I feel like I'm Michael Scott and my life is Toby Flenderson. It truly feels like a battle of psychological warfare. I'm aware my life is not currently up to speed with others around me and I think some of that has to do with wants and needs in my life... whether it be a new car, new home, new job, etc... So I've decided to take a break from Facebook for lent since that seems to be the main source of me comparing my life to others. It is toxic and it's time to step away for a bit. I've slowly been taking steps to prepare for this because it's been a constant in my daily activities since 2005. I will still be checking in on Instagram and the blog cause I'm a realist and can't quit social media outlets all together.
Here's hoping this will help to get me outta my weird mood and bring some more positive vibes my way.
Until next time...
Anyone who’s ever had a furry friend knows how special that human-canine relationship is. They’re happy any moment you walk into a door, they seem to speak volumes with just that look they give you, and they’re constantly by your side wagging their tail saying “man, I love you!”
Chance is my fur baby who's been in my life since 2005 while I was at college. He turned 10 this past November and is hands down the most well behaved and loving dog we've ever had. He's good at sharing toys and letting the other animals hang all over him. So we pretty much let him do whatever he wants. Next, is my mom's puppy Charlie Brown. He is trouble, but we love him anyways. He's always getting into something and has a little attitude problem we constantly try to break him of, but gosh he is adorable. Then there's our little rescue, Scotty. We've had him almost a year now and he definitely keeps us laughing. He loves to have our undivided attention and enjoys his walks and boy time with Andrew.
I thought I would share a few pics of Chance, Charlie, and Scotty.
As you can see, we're big animal lovers. So it's no wonder I love Amanda Seyfried's relationship with her dog, Finn. This video gives me the giggles and makes me want to do my own version with my dogs. Hope you find it as entertaining as I did.
Until next time....
So anyone who knows me knows 2016 is going to be a busy year for me. I need a planner for work, home, wedding planning (for me and my bestie's wedding), school, blogging reminders, and pretty much life. And I found it all in one organized, lovely place.
I’ve been a planner for practically my whole life. I’ve used some sort of planning system or calendar for years. There’s something about systematically organizing your entire life into one small binder that excites me. I love it! I have tried just about every type of planner brand and size there is, from the largest to the smallest and most expensive to the least expensive. I don’t discriminate. I am a planner enthusiast. So today I'm sharing my new planner for 2016.
Brand: Tiny Blossoms 2016 Planner (originally from A Beautiful Mess)
Size: I decided to go with a more practical sized planner this year. The Tiny Blossoms Planner is 7.75"L, 6.25"W. As much as I loved my Whitney English Day Designer (2015 Flash Edition) the size (9.75"L, 9"W) was a bit much for my daily needs on the go. My new planner fits easily in my purse unlike last years. Even though my new planner is smaller it still gives me the room I need to write everything down that's important to me.
Tabs: Calendar (Monthly & Daily) and To Do's for each month.
Writing Tools: Sharpie Fine Point Pens and Sharpie Highlighters.
Color Coding: I use color coding with my work schedule, trading shifts with coworkers, doctor visits, dentist appointments, and so forth. I usually stick with 5 colors so it doesn't get too confusing. *I added an additional color this year for wedding planning.
Color Category:
- Black - original shift (work)
- Red - shift change (work)
- Blue - bills
- Purple - appointments (doctor, dentist, hair, etc...)
- Green - work related meetings
- Pink - wedding planning
Highlighter Category:
- Yellow - holidays
- Green - payday
- Pink - cancelled
- Orange - rescheduled
Accessories: I'm not much of a planner "decorator". I've tried it and it really isn't for me. I do add a few task stickers here and there but for the most part, you won't see me decorating weekly layout pages. It is too time consuming and I simply don't have the time to do it.
That, in a nutshell, is how I stay organized and try not to get overwhelmed with adulting.
Until next time...
To all the people that made 2015 what it was. To all the memories and pictures and moments. To the books and movies and bottles of wine. To love and laughter and the little things. To change. To a NEW YEAR...